I'm Tess Coward. This is a collection of my work.

University of Colorado Boulder Alumni. Bachelors degree in Creative Writing. Located in New York.

My Skills:

- Making song parodies.

- Fetching a glass of water for my loved ones. 

- Arts and crafts.

- Writing things in my notes app.

- Starting the wave.

- Busting a move.

Favorite Quotes:

"There's only now, there's only here. Give into love, or live in fear. No other course, no other way." - Johnathon Larson, Rent

"Being true to yourself never goes out of style.” - Legally Blonde

"Never be so kind, you forget to be clever
 Never be so clever, you forget to be kind" - Taylor Swift

"If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love, actually, is all around." - Hugh Grant

"For those who don't know me, I can get a bit crazy." - Miley Cyrus

“Something different bloomed, writing in my room.”

Taylor Swift